


Chuck Altvater

Building Leadership Symposium 

Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control, 

Building Code Branch

700 Kipling St

Lakewood, CO 80215

(303) 912-9469


September 1, 2022



Within the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control (DFPC) there is a Full-service Building Department, which serves as the Building Official for public schools across Colorado, and provides technical assistance to building departments in every corner of the state. 

My name is Chuck Altvater, and on behalf of the Building Code Branch of DFPC, and the Colorado Chapter of the International Code Council (CCICC), I am proud to announce the inaugural Building Leadership Symposium coming in October 2023.

CCICC has seen an increase in the last couple of years for leadership topics for Building Officials at their annual Educational Institute held each March. Because topics at the Educational Institute must be closely tied to Published ICC codes for Continuing Education credit, it has been difficult for CCICC to accommodate these requests. While the Fire Service in Colorado has long had the Fire Leadership Challenge for Fire Chiefs to focus on leadership topics, there hasn’t been a similar opportunity for Building Officials to come together and focus on Leadership in a Building Department. 

Until now. 

The Building Leadership Symposium will be a two-day gathering of Building Officials from Colorado and neighboring states to focus on the leadership traits, knowledge, and skills needed to successfully lead a Building Department in the Twenty-first Century. Natural and man-made disasters are occurring daily in so many places in our country, so we have set the focus of this first Symposium as The Role of the Building Official in the Wake of a Disaster

To accomplish this important goal DFPC has partnered with CCICC, but we can’t do it alone. I am writing today to seek your assistance as a sponsor of this event. In our efforts to support our building departments and understanding their budget struggles, we have established levels of sponsorship that your organization can provide to support the building community, and to help make Colorado and our Mountain West neighbors ready for the challenges of leading a Building Department in the immediate aftermath of a disaster and for the long-term challenges of recovery from such an event. 

Foundation Level Sponsorship: $1000. This level of sponsorship gives you a vendor table at the symposium and includes meals for two people. This level of sponsorship also gives you a quarter-page ad in the symposium program, your logo and a thank you on the symposium website, and one mention per day at the beginning of symposium sessions.  

Ground Floor Level Sponsorship: $2,000. This level of sponsorship gives you a vendor table at the symposium and includes meals for two people. This level of sponsorship also gives you a half-page ad in the symposium program, your logo and a thank you on the symposium website, and two mentions per day at the beginning of symposium sessions.  

Penthouse Level Sponsorship: $3,000. This level of sponsorship gives you a premium location for your vendor table at the symposium and includes meals for two people. This level of sponsorship also gives you a full-page ad in the symposium program, your logo and a thank you on the symposium website, and three mentions per day at the beginning of the symposium sessions. 

Additionally, there is the Mezzanine Level Sponsorship: limited opportunities to show these Building Officials your commitment to Building Department leadership by sponsoring a coffee break or a portion of the evening networking reception. 

I appreciate your time will get in on the ground floor of this opportunity to help us in our mission to make Colorado and the Rocky Mountain West ready for whatever comes our way, so we can all live, work, and visit safely. 



Chuck Altvater 

Building Leadership Symposium